He Gets Us

How did the world’s greatest love story become known as a hate group? Our client saw Jesus as a radical activist. But, his name is being used – often times by extremists – to judge, harm, and divide. My Partner, David Morring, and I came up with the idea for He Gets Us as a way to raise the respect and relevancy of Jesus among an increasingly skeptical nation while at the same time calling on Christians to better follow his example.

Super Bowl Spots

National Broadcast

Branded Content

The amazingly talented team listed below came up with the concept and executed this piece, called AI Love, as content for the campaign website. I love the insight and the execution is perfect.

Credits: Roscoe McGee/Content Creator, Andrew Larson/CW, Kylie Paz/AD

Credits: Rashad Udoji/CW, Kylie Paz/AD

Credits: Chris Stroup/Designer, Roscoe McGee/Content Creator

Out Of Home

We created a merch program so fans could represent the campaign. The only catch: you couldn’t buy He Gets Us gear with money. Instead of cash, we asked our fans to complete an act of kindness as a form of payment.


